Fencing provides a great chance to add a stylish look to your garden space, it doesn't have to be 'just a fence', it could be a stylish look which transforms your garden space, we have plenty of experience to help you decide what's best for your garden. If you want to increase your security at your house, which we would recommend a featheredge 7ft high fence, if you're situated in exposed areas, we recommended a slated finish to ensure wind can blow through your fence. For all our fencing projects we use 4" x 4" posts which are set in concrete and typically posts every 6' or less.
Our Fencing projects are completely dependent on what the customer wants, so if you like a specific style fence, please let us know.
We can organise a site visit so we can talk through where you want your fence and also what type of fencing. All of the timber we use is very high quality, we source the materials from a local timber merchant and of course the timber is tanalised to ensure it lasts a very long time.​​